Uchiboso Art Festival


Please tell us about the theme and concept of Hyakunengo Art Festival- Uchiboso Art Festival.

For more information on the theme and concept of Hyakunengo Art Festival- Uchiboso Art Festival, please check "Concept".

Please tell me where and how to get to Hyakunengo Art Festival- Uchiboso Art Festival.

It is held at various locations in the five cities of Uchiboso. The main bases of each city are
[Ichihara City] Uchida Mirai School, Kazusa-Ushiku Station area, Ichihara Lakeside Art Museum, former Satomi Elementary School, former Heizo Elementary School, Tsukisaki/Tabuchi, Tsukiidekosha, etc.
[Kisarazu City] Around Kisarazu Station, KURKKU FIELDS, etc.
[Kimitsu City] Around Yaehara
[Sodegaura City] Around Sodegaura Park
[Futtsu City] Around Cape Futtsu
It becomes. For transportation details "access" Please refer to the.

Do I need a ticket for Hyakunengo Art Festival- Uchiboso Art Festival?

To view the artwork exhibition, you will need an artwork viewing passport.
Details such as sales amount and sales method "ticket" Please refer to the.
*Free vouchers will be distributed to elementary and junior high school students within the prefecture. Free for children under elementary school age
*Free admission for those with a disability certificate (if an attendant is required, one accompanying person is free)

Please tell me about the events that will be held at Hyakunengo Art Festival- Uchiboso Art Festival.

Please see "Events".

How can I participate as a volunteer for Hyakunengo Art Festival- Uchiboso Art Festival?

Information regarding the start of recruitment will be announced on the "Volunteer" page and on SNS.
For details on volunteer schedules and content, please see the Volunteer page.

Where can I find the latest information on Hyakunengo Art Festival- Uchiboso Art Festival?

Information about Hyakunengo Art Festival- Uchiboso Art Festival - will be updated on the news page and press release page.