What are the characteristics of Hyakunengo Art Festival?

Hyakunengo Art Festival is a new art festival unique to Chiba Prefecture, which is held as part of the 150th anniversary project of Chiba Prefecture. Various features of Chiba Prefecture such as nature, history, and food in six areas: Ichihara City, Kisarazu City, Kimitsu City, Sodegaura City, Futtsu City, Uchiboso City, Ichikawa City, Sakura City, Sakae Town, Sanmu City, and Shirako Town. We will develop a variety of projects that focus on

Please tell us about the theme and concept of Hyakunengo Art Festival.

Please check the concept page for the themes and concepts of Hyakunengo Art Festival.

Where can I find the latest information about Hyakunengo Art Festival?

Information on Hyakunengo Art Festival will be updated on the news page and press release page as needed.

en Live Art Performance

Please check the concept page for an overview of "en Live Art Performance".
For more information, please check the official website.

Please tell us about ENNICHIBA.

Please check the concept page for an overview of ENNICHIBA.

Where can I find press releases?

We have prepared a press release page, so please check there.