
Taguri, let go, good thing, piece

2024.3.23-5.26 ※火・水定休(4.30・5.1は除く) | 袖ケ浦市

Chiba Prefecture has the largest number of shell middens in Japan. There are many ancient traces near the exhibition site, including the Yamano shell midden, and from the many ``fragments'' excavated, you can feel the breathing of our ancestors. The artist believes that "even if each piece is an idle fragment, there is a certain daily life in it," and uses the clothes and fragments inherited from the "fragments" of glass that stand in the old house to depict the people who lived in this area. Attempting to visualize signs and traces of

• 公開時間:10:00~17:00(火・水曜日定休)
• 所在地:袖ケ浦市下新田1133(袖ケ浦公園は袖ケ浦市飯富2360)
• アクセス:路線バス「袖ケ浦公園前」徒歩10分
• 駐車場:袖ケ浦市郷土博物館駐車場(袖ケ浦市下新田994、徒歩4分)
• 無料周遊バス:[平日]西コース [土休日]西コースB・C
